Weaverville Fire Protection District

Special Meeting –Friday January 15, 2010

5:00 p.m. - 125 Bremer Street,

Weaverville, California



Steve Howard, Chairman                                                                           Larry Helsley, Commissioner

Bill Britton, Vice-Chairman                                                                       George Owen, Commissioner

Mike Williams, Commissioner



I.                 CALL TO ORDER:

II.              CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the board and will be enacted by one vote.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A.     Approve Budget Transfer -


III.            CLOSED SESSION: (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Title: Hazard Reduction Administrative Coordinator – Employee Agreement between Michael McMillan and the Weaverville Fire Protection District -


IV.             REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION (Government code section 54957.1(b) ) –


V.               PUBLIC COMMENT:


VI.             ADJOURNMENT: